Calculates the histogram of an image plane. \n
* Image can be IM_BYTE, IM_SHORT or IM_USHORT. \n
* Histogram is always 256 or 65536 positions long. \n
* Where plane is the depth plane to calculate the histogram. \n
* When cumulative is different from zero it calculates the cumulative histogram.
* \verbatim im.CalcHistogram(image: imImage, plane: number, cumulative: boolean) -> histo: table of numbers [in Lua 5] \endverbatim
* The returned table is zero indexed.
* \ingroup stats
Calculates the histogram of an image plane. \n * Image can be IM_BYTE, IM_SHORT or IM_USHORT. \n * Histogram is always 256 or 65536 positions long. \n * Where plane is the depth plane to calculate the histogram. \n * When cumulative is different from zero it calculates the cumulative histogram. * * \verbatim im.CalcHistogram(image: imImage, plane: number, cumulative: boolean) -> histo: table of numbers [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * The returned table is zero indexed. * \ingroup stats