Measure the actual area of all regions. Holes are not included. \n
* This is the number of pixels of each region. \n
* Source image is IM_GRAY/IM_USHORT type (the result of \ref imAnalyzeFindRegions). \n
* area has size the number of regions.
* \verbatim im.AnalyzeMeasureArea(image: imImage, [region_count: number]) -> area: table of numbers [in Lua 5] \endverbatim
* The returned table is zero indexed.
* \ingroup analyze
Measure the actual area of all regions. Holes are not included. \n * This is the number of pixels of each region. \n * Source image is IM_GRAY/IM_USHORT type (the result of \ref imAnalyzeFindRegions). \n * area has size the number of regions. * * \verbatim im.AnalyzeMeasureArea(image: imImage, [region_count: number]) -> area: table of numbers [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * The returned table is zero indexed. * \ingroup analyze